If even someone like Steve Lawson can fall, how do we resist temptation?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 26, 2024

Segment 1
• The Evangelical community is stunned by the fall of Dr. Steve Lawson.
• What questions should we be asking now vs. later?
• Guard your heart against cynicism, and avoid blanket judgments of others.

Segment 2
• A major ministry shift is coming, and it’s going to be free.
• Al Mohler’s response offers a pastoral perspective on leadership and trust.
• Are we putting too much faith in men instead of Christ?

Segment 3
• Is it time to rethink conferences and the public platforms of pastors?
• If even someone like Steve Lawson can fall, how do we resist temptation?
• How do we avoid idolizing our spiritual leaders?

Segment 4
• Are there trustworthy ministries left? TMAI might be one to consider.
• How can we assess ourselves spiritually? Ask for feedback from your local church.
• Is it always a slow fade into sin, or can it happen quickly?


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The post IF STEVE LAWSON CAN FALL, WHAT ABOUT YOU? appeared first on Wretched.

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