Adam Tyson

Pastor, Placerita Bible Church

Professor, The Master's University

Host of Way of Manhood


The Lost Generation was a term coined by Gertrude Stein and made popular by Ernest Hemingway. The term refers to the “disoriented, wandering, directionless” fog that hung over many of the survivors of World War I. A little over 100 years later, another war (cultural) is raging, and in its wake is a generation of young men who are disoriented, wandering, and directionless. Young men, roughly from ages 12-29, make up what is known as Gen Z, and it’s this generation that finds itself in the crosshairs of crisis. Raised on a steady diet of unfiltered entertainment and online content, these young men are, like never before, dealing with mental health issues, loneliness, and depression. The problem is spiritual therefore the cure must be too. Enter Adam Tyson and Way of Manhood.  

Way of Manhood will help the young men of Generation Z understand the cause of what ails them and, in biblically diagnosing their problem, show them the way they should go. The Lord says, in Jeremiah 6:16, “Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, Where the good way is, and walk in it; And you will find rest for your souls…”.

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