It’s Mailbag Friday! You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!

Segment 1:

• What should you expect from a church mentorship, and how do you make the most of it?

• How can you balance being a “slave to Christ” while also being a co-heir of His Kingdom?

• Should unresolved family conflicts stop you from taking communion? How do you know when you’re ready to reconcile?

Segment 2:

• Is the death penalty for drug dealers Biblical? What does Scripture say about harsh judgments?

Segment 3:  

• Why didn’t God clearly reveal the Trinity from the very beginning? What’s the purpose behind gradual revelation?

• Is Celebrate Recovery a biblically sound program? What should you know before joining?

Segment 4:  

• How can you be certain you’re not blaspheming the Holy Spirit? Can Christians cast out demons today?

• Are biblical novels safe to read, or do they distort Scripture’s message? Should you engage with them?


Thanks for listening!

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