It’s Mailbag Friday! My wife is asking me to stay home more.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 12, 2024

Segment 1

If my job is asking me to work 12 hour shifts, but my wife is asking me to stay home more to help with our kids, how do I make a biblical decision? I have to provide for our needs and pay off debt, but should I work to the point that I’m not around as much for my family? -Anonymous

My nephew is 15 years old. He is struggling with porn addiction. Perhaps also a victim, but will not share if he is. Do you have any advice on how we can help him? -Esther

Are angels also created in the image of God? Aren’t they relational, and have wills just like humans? -Jess

Segment 2

I was wondering how did you meet Ray Comfort? -Douglas

So, why is abortion or trans the only moral dilemma on the ballot for many Christians? -Nathan

Segment 3

Even though I know that God is real and that Jesus Christ is my friend – sometimes I feel like he’s just my imaginary best friend. How do I stop feeling like Christ is just an imaginary friend even though I know he’s real? -Anonymous

I help out at the baptistry at my church. Recently 4 boys around age 7 were baptized after their time at VBS. I have a hard time believing a 7 year old understands the meaning of repentance and what baptism means. I mean, at age 7 I still thought Batman was real. What is the proper age for one to be baptized? -Vince

Segment 4

What’s the Christian perspective on black holes? Are they real? If so, why would God create them? -Anonymous

What is a Biblical way to think about dying hair, botox, and plastic surgery? I am noticing more older women at my church doing these things. Are these things ever not vain? How can I cultivate a Godly view of appearance and bodies as I age? -Jessi

I often struggle with grogginess and brain fog in the mornings, especially during allergy season, and I’m wondering if I should still start each day in God’s Word, even though I struggle to focus and think clearly under these conditions, or should I wait for a time later in the day when it’s not as much a problem? -Jack

As a parent of young children, I am conflicted on spanking. I think the Bible didn’t accidentally use “the rod” to represent discipline, but most of my Christian friends purposely avoid “hitting their kids” because they say spanking is abuse. Are they right?? -Abby

I have a dear family member who believes that the Disney corporation is Satanic. I disagree with her. She believes it is wrong to take a vacation to Disney World and give that corporation money. I believe that it is a point of Christian liberty, that she shouldn’t if it is against her conscience, but I can since it is not against mine. Is this really a point of liberty, or am I in the wrong? -Anonymous


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The post WHEN YOUR WIFE SAYS THIS… appeared first on Wretched.

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