Segment 1:

• Todd visited G3—real Christian fellowship is food for the soul.

• Is voting on church members biblical? Should it even be up for debate?

• The best place for baptism isn’t a horse trough—it’s the local church.

Segment 2:

• What’s the process for joining your church? Should the congregation have a say?

• Leaders bear responsibility, but is congregational voting wise or unbiblical?

• Careful vetting of new members helps protect the Gospel—how does your church handle it?

Segment 3:

• NY Times article: A pastor shifts his beliefs after his son comes out.

• “It upended their lives”—but does a child’s sin justify changing God’s truth?

• This is what happens when we let emotions override biblical doctrine.

Segment 4:

• A father abandons biblical teaching to affirm his son’s choices—could it happen to you?

• Standing firm may cause tension, but capitulation leads to spiritual ruin.

• God never calls us to affirm sin—no matter how much we love someone.


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